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C@H Dinner Review??????? - Printable Version

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C@H Dinner Review??????? - cjs - 10-08-2009

Well, my latest project is in the can and I just have to proofread now, so I'm am so ready to play with food other than pizza!!! Is anyone ready for another review dinner?

I looked at the b'days for October and on my list no one who posts often has one coming up. But November looks good - Jeanette (and I'm sure game to try a healthy one for your b'day!!) and Lorraine and Barbara.

Barbara, you'd better get thinking on this since you are first - if you want to play.

BUT till then, can we do a review dinner maybe out of the new C@H? I haven't hardly opened it. Anyone game???

Re: C@H Dinner Review??????? - Gourmet_Mom - 10-08-2009

I haven't gotten mine yet, although, I haven't been to the post office in a while...LOL! The post man must think we've jumped *****! I'm game. Give me til the weekend to pick it up and look it over. Hopefully, there's something in there worthy of a review!

I'll try to be on time this go round...LOL!

Re: C@H Dinner Review??????? - HomeCulinarian - 10-08-2009

I'll play... I have some entertaining coming up and will want to try some new things out so I can decide - hosting book club on the 28th, then I've started monthly luncheons for another group. Let me know when my turn comes up!

Re: C@H Dinner Review??????? - Gourmet_Mom - 10-08-2009

Jeanette, I'm thinking Jean is suggesting that those that want to play come to an agreement on one (or more) of the recipes from the new issue for a review BEFORE the birthdays. Look through it and make your list of things you'd like to play with and post here. After everyone has had a chance to post what they want to try, we'll TRY to come to an agreement on a menu.

Have you looked at the new issue? I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone thinks of it. I'm now anxious to pick mine up!

Re: C@H Dinner Review??????? - chef_Tab - 10-09-2009

Daphne, are you saying you have not received the October 2009 issue? I only find it odd because I have mine and it had to be forwarded to me from KC. I have had it for several weeks. Or is there another one out already?

Re: C@H Dinner Review??????? - HomeCulinarian - 10-09-2009

Daphne - The usual routine around here for birthday reviews are that the birthday girl or boy chooses the menu for others to try around their birthday. The usual routine for mystery boxes is that anyone can participate in the selections until a list is settled on.

We could switch it up. I'm game in either case. Jean can take charge and assign the dates and let me know when it's my turn.

Re: C@H Dinner Review??????? - cjs - 10-09-2009

Now that I've thought about what I wrote, I realized we're gong to be on vacation (gone) two weeks in November and if we wait to scrunch everyone in in November, no one will get much time. So, how does this sound - I know it's selfish, but I want to be part too

BarbaraS (Nov. 1st) if she wants to participate, she could take Oct. 12 for a review on Monday, the 26th.

HomeCulinarian (Nov. 7th) could take Oct. 26th for a review on Monday Nov. 9th (Jeanette, why not post your menu early so you can take advantage of wanting to test some recipes for your commitments)

And then our little Armistice (sp?) day girl, Lorraine (Nov. 11th) could take Nov. 9th for a review date of Nov. 23rd.

That gets everyone in before Thanksgiving schedules kick in. Since we have three dinners to look forward to shall we skip a regular dinner review and just concentrate on B'days?

Hopefully (and selfishly) you all could choose your menus soon so we all know what's coming up?????? Does this work for everyone?

Re: C@H Dinner Review??????? - HomeCulinarian - 10-09-2009

Works for me. Thanx, Jean.

Re: C@H Dinner Review??????? - Gourmet_Mom - 10-09-2009

Works for me also.

I went to look and sure enough, I DO have mine...LOL! DUH! I realize now that I looked through it that I had set it aside because it was still so summery when it came and I figured I'd wait on some of the stews until cooler weather. I tell ya, I'm loosing my mind!

Re: C@H Dinner Review??????? - cjs - 10-09-2009

join the club, Daphne.