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Enamel cookware Question - Printable Version

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Enamel cookware Question - Gourmet_Mom - 12-27-2008

Mom just called and said she had 40 dollars worth of bonus bucks at a department store chain she needs to use by the third of January. She saw this pot, and new I wanted an enamel Dutch oven. Is anyone familiar with this chef's line of products? The clerk told Mom it came with a 10 year guarantee. Here is a link to the store's online site. Lorena Garcia 7 Qt. Enameled Dutch Oven

Re: Enamel cookware Question - Gourmet_Mom - 12-28-2008

So, I'm guessing this is not a good deal? The one review shows the buyer loves the other products in this line. Just has an issue with the rocking lid, which Mom could easily check.

Does anyone know off hand the guarantee for the lodge pans?

Re: Enamel cookware Question - Roxanne 21 - 12-28-2008

NOT a clue, sorry--------never heard of this line of cookware in my neck of the woods---

Please let us know what you learn!

Re: Enamel cookware Question - cjs - 12-28-2008

I haven't heard of it either, Daphne, but if it's a good sale/price, why not try it.

Re: Enamel cookware Question - BarbaraS - 12-28-2008

I don't know about their guarantee, but cast iron should survive just about anything you can throw at it.

I have the Lodge dutch oven (with bling!) from their Signature Series and I love it. It's pre-seasoned and practically non-stick.


Edit to add: Their enamel cookware is covered by a lifetime warranty.