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Smoked Beans II - Printable Version

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Smoked Beans II - bjcotton - 09-02-2008

Here are my thoughts: I soaked the pinto beans overnight, put them in a pot; lit the smoker and when it started smoking put the beans in. They cooked part-way in about 4 hours and have a light smell of smoke. IMO, what needs to be done is to perhaps do it this way again, then finish cooking the beans inside. Once they are done, return them to the smoker for a second round of smoking to finish them with a stronger smoked flavor.

What do y'all think?

Re: Smoked Beans II - chef_Tab - 09-02-2008

I think you will have to send me some to try. I will need several samples, Billy! Just kidding, I do not have a smoker so I cannot help you here! I hope you are feeling a bit better by now. Don't over extend yourself! It is great to see you posting and cooking again.

Re: Smoked Beans II - Mare749 - 09-02-2008

I think you need to cook those beans at a higher heat first, Billy, to get them cooked through, then put them in the smoker for 3 or 4 hours to get the smokey flavor all through them. The temperature of the smoker just isn't high enough to cook beans. Same problem with potatoes. They are so hard and dense that you have to parboil or microwave before putting them into the smoker. Otherwise they just get a hard crust and don't get cooked through completely.

The only time you don't have to do this is if you put the potatoes in the drip pan with water. That is suppose to work, but I haven't tried it.

Re: Smoked Beans II - bjcotton - 09-02-2008

Thanks Maryann you doll! The beans didn't actually cook very much and I couldn't really smell the smoke. So after I put them in another pot on the stove added water and cooked them a while, I went outside for something and came back in to a wonderful smokey smell in the house. Admittedly it wasn't as smokey as I'd have liked, but after the second smoking (when they're done like you said) they ought to be heavenly.

Theresa, you are welcome to come eat beans at my house any time. That's one of the things we have fairly frequently. Beans of some variety, fried potatoes with onions and cornbread. I'll have to make some pico de gallo to go with them too. When I was a kid we used to have chow chow to go with them.

Re: Smoked Beans II - Harborwitch - 09-02-2008

I'd love to just sit down and finish what's left of our smoked beans - but I cannot eat ANY more beans for a while. I nearly embarrassed myself to death at Curves this morning. They are wickedly addicting.

Re: Smoked Beans II - DFen911 - 09-02-2008

Ok I'm just gonna have to make to stop in for leftovers

Re: Smoked Beans II - bjcotton - 09-02-2008

There will more than likely be plenty since I don't know how to cook for 3 or 4.

Re: Smoked Beans II - cjs - 09-03-2008

Billy,you said you didn't get a smell of smoking when they were in the smoker the first time?? I can't understand that - once the smoke starts (and you continue adding chips/chunks) the whole neighborhood should know you're smoking something.

I don't know if anyone has mentioned this, but it sure is easier if you have two chip/chunk boxes, so you can just remove one and replace with one already to go with more soaked wood.

What wood did you use on your beans? I know you prefer starting with raw beans, but why don't you try using canned beans for just one bean dish and see how easy it is for the smoking - instead of back and forth between the house/smoker.

Re: Smoked Beans II - Harborwitch - 09-03-2008

Jean's right - you really need two boxes for chips. Makes it much easier. Bob even starts heating one on the BBQ so that they're ready to start smoking immediately. Clever We are on a mission to find another one similar to the one that came with the smoker.

Re: Smoked Beans II - cjs - 09-03-2008

Smoked Beans continues - I rec'd the Cuisine Tonight Grilling book yesterday and the first thing I'm going to make tomorrow night (yes, Lorraine, I'm finally feeling good again!! ) is the Chipotle-maple black beans and stick them in the smoker for a couple of hours.

I'll post the recipe if anyone wants it.