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Ham With Sassy Bourbon Sauce - Printable Version

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Ham With Sassy Bourbon Sauce - cjs - 06-23-2008

I bought two spiral cut hams, portioned them out, laid on sheets with a little of the sauce on the pan and then brushed a little on the top. Not much, but just gave it a nice flavor after it was heated a tad. This is really a nice sauce, might 'kick it up' a notch or two the next time for home use. I didn't make the rub - ran out of time so just used some I had in the pantry, but I'm anxious to try this one.

Sassy Bourbon and Brown Sugar Barbecue Sauce

1 can crushed tomatoes -- (28 ounce)
1 cup packed brown sugar
1/2 cup bourbon
1/2 cup ketchup
1/4 cup Heinz Chili Sauce
1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
2 tablespoons red wine vinegar
1/4 cup Worcestershire sauce
2 tablespoons molasses
2 teaspoons Classic Barbeque Rub (see next recipe)
Kosher salt
Freshly ground pepper
1 tablespoon unsweetened cocoa

In a large saucepan, combine the tomatoes, sugar, bourbon, ketchup, chili sauce, vinegars, Worcestershire sauce, and molasses, stirring after each additional ingredient to combine. Add the rub and simmer until the flavors have blended and the sauce has thickened somewhat, about 30 minutes.

Let the sauce cool for about 10 minutes, or until it is warm but no longer "boiling" hot. Puree using an immersion or traditional blender. Taste and adjust the seasonings with about 1/2 teaspoon salt and pepper. Remember, the ribs already will have plenty of spice rub on them, so don't over-season the sauce. Add the cocoa powder and mix well to combine.

Let the sauce sit for 5 minutes and stir again to make sure the cocoa powder is well distributed. Let the sauce cool and pour it into a clean glass jar for storing. The sauce can be made in advance and kept for two weeks in the refrigerator.

Brush it on meat 30 minutes before the cooking time is finished. If desired, serve extra on the side. makes 4 cups

Recipe courtesy from Taming the Flame, by Elizabeth Karmel

Classic Barbeque Rub

2 tablespoons smoked paprika
2 tablespoons kosher salt
3 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons brown sugar
1 tablespoon ground cumin
1 tablespoon chili powder
1 tablespoon freshly ground pepper
1/2 tablespoon cayenne
1 tablespoon onion powder
1 tablespoon garlic powder
1 tablespoon celery salt
1 tablespoon oregano -- crushed

Combine all the ingredients in a medium bowl and mix well. For a smoother rub, process the ingredients in a spice grinder until well combined and all pieces uniform (the rub will be very fine and tan in color).

Use it to rub on meat before grilling. Extra rub can be stored in an airtight container for up to six months. Makes about 1 cup.


folks at the wedding were spiking pcs. of the ham and putting them between two of the corn muffins - made a great tasting 'walk around' sandwich.

Re: Ham With Sassy Bourbon Sauce - Lorraine - 06-24-2008

I think I need to buy a ham soon. Thanks, Jean!

Re: Ham With Sassy Bourbon Sauce - Gourmet_Mom - 06-24-2008

Let me get this straight. You broke down the hams into slices on a sheet pan with some of the sauce in it and then brushed some on top. Then you warmed in the oven? How long...I know those things are precooked, but.... For family presentation with the ham intact, would you drizzle over and between and warm according to package directions, or would it burn?

Re: Ham With Sassy Bourbon Sauce - cjs - 06-24-2008

Daphne, I didn't have enough oven space, so I panned up the ham slices as you understood - with a little of the sauce on the pan first, then the ham slices, then brushed with a little more sauce. I used very little because of all the other flavors in the brunch items, but I just wanted some flavor with the ham.

I had four large pots of water on the stove just simmering and used these as bain maries - the hotel pans were set on top of the pot and allowed to heat that way. I covered the hotel pans with parchment paper and foil.

If I'd done it in the oven, it probably would have taken about 15 min. (350 F.) - just to about 140, it doesn't need to be real hot.

The sauce does kind of dissolve when heated, so you might for presentation, drizzle a little more warmed over at serving time.

Re: Ham With Sassy Bourbon Sauce - Gourmet_Mom - 06-24-2008

Thanks Jean. But what if I left the ham intact though? I wouldn't think 15 minutes would warm it through? I assume you're still talking slices here.

And thanks for the bain maries idea. I've been stuck more than once with that problem and never think of that as a plan to warm or keep something warm...except potatoes or rice.

Re: Ham With Sassy Bourbon Sauce - cjs - 06-24-2008

You know this is the first time I've ever bought a sprial ham, so not real familiar with prepping it. I don't know if the spirals open when heating - if so, I'll bet 15-20 min. would heat it thru. If it stays pretty well closed, probably a half hour? But maybe you'd want a longer time on it even if it opens, then you could baste it a couple of times - maybe at 325?

Re: Ham With Sassy Bourbon Sauce - Gourmet_Mom - 06-24-2008

Thanks Jean. I had given up on this type ham...too dry, so maybe this would work. If not, I'll save some of the sauce to dribble on and plate it as slices rather than the whole thing. Yes, it does open up.

Re: Ham With Sassy Bourbon Sauce - cjs - 06-25-2008

That's what I'd always heard about spriral cut hams - the dryness, but we were all pleasantly surpised how moist and tender these were. The brands I got were Butcher's and Gusto, had never heard of Gusto before, but I had no choice
and took a chance.