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Happy Fourth & Let's Fly Those Flags!! - Printable Version

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Happy Fourth & Let's Fly Those Flags!! - cjs - 07-04-2007

Have a great day everyone!!! And...speaking of food - What's everyone doing?

I'm going with Erin's suggestion a while back -
And the Last Issue # 63 June '07
Pimiento Cheese and Bacon Buger
Outrageous Baked Beans.

I think I'll even splurge and make a big ole hunkin' dessert!!!! Probably something lemon....

What's on your menu?

Re: Happy Fourth & Let's Fly Those Flags!! - Mare749 - 07-04-2007

Not sure, I guess it's a surprise. My in-laws are having everybody over. I'm bringing a romaine salad and a couple of pineapples for grilling. Guess we'll find out when we get there. MIL is a great cook. Won't be trying to diet today!

Happy 4th everybody!


Re: Happy Fourth & Let's Fly Those Flags!! - mjkcooking - 07-04-2007

Happy 4th Everyone - and Fly the Flags.

heading out to the Parade and to the events in town.
and the fireworks tonight.

Re: Happy Fourth & Let's Fly Those Flags!! - pjcooks - 07-04-2007

Happy Birthday America!

The kids had a cookout with 10 of their friends. (That means about 15 kids here, teens and early 20's)) Their menu:

Burgers and dogs

Loaded tossed salad

Veggie kabobs w/BBQ tofu "Riblets"

Polka dot cheesecake w/ strawberries, chocolate sauce and whipped cream (they polished it off)

Toll House cookies (They ate all 4 dozen I made)

And, believe it not, the beverage of choice was:
Orange KoolAid and Lemonade KoolAid.

I'm happy this is the "go-to" house for all of them

Hope you all had a great day!