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Review - Fizzy Chicken with Veggie Melange - Printable Version

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Review - Fizzy Chicken with Veggie Melange - DFen911 - 05-10-2007

This was a wonderful dish. The only thing we did not care for was their rice dish that was served with it. If I had to give it a name it would have been "poor man's risotto".

The chicken came out very moist and had a nice glaze on it that wasn't overbearing. The lemon vinaigrette was perfect! Added just the right amount of flavor. They call for 1/2 tsp of red pepper flakes. I've learned from other recipes, and cut it down to 1/4. And was happy I did.

The veggies were fun and different. I have to find a better way to 'shave' them. I tried my mandolin and that didn't work so went back to the peeler that they suggested. Problem is once you start the veggies get slimey and your grip slips. Luckily no major injuries. The change I made to the veggies was to add a bit more flavor than the butter they are cooked in. I sliced up 2 gloves of garlic real thin and tossed those in just before I added the veggies.

Next time I would do real risotto and I think this dish is a keeper and will add it to my selection for clients.

Re: Review - Fizzy Chicken with Veggie Melange - esgunn - 05-10-2007

Thanks for the review Denise! This was one I had on my mental list to try. I am all about quick, easy chicken dishes - especially with a new twist!

I will try this one soon.


Re: Review - Fizzy Chicken with Veggie Melange - cjs - 05-10-2007

on mine too, erin. thanks Deninse.

Hey folks, we are really going to reap the benefits of Denise testing for her customers!!! Yipee.

Re: Review - Fizzy Chicken with Veggie Melange - bjcotton - 05-10-2007

Heh, heh, heh, aren't we glad WE sent Denise to cooking school?

Re: Review - Fizzy Chicken with Veggie Melange - Roxanne 21 - 05-10-2007

OKAY!!! So where is this recipe????

Re: Review - Fizzy Chicken with Veggie Melange - HomeCulinarian - 05-10-2007

I wasn't inspired to want to try this recipe from the latest issue. I think maybe it was the title - "fizzy chicken" just sounds wrong. I'll give it another look on your advice.

Re: Review - Fizzy Chicken with Veggie Melange - DFen911 - 05-11-2007

I really don't know why they call it fizzy chicken. If you poured any other liquid in the pan it would boil and 'fizz'. But for whatever reason it does turn the broth into a thick liquid that is really nice.

I was thinking about using apple cider next time and omitting the lemon vinaigrette since it has honey in it.

Re: Review - Fizzy Chicken with Veggie Melange - cjs - 05-11-2007

Is it in Issue #63? (now that I've found #62, #63 has decided to take a hike... I swear I'm losing my mind)

Re: Review - Fizzy Chicken with Veggie Melange - DFen911 - 05-11-2007

Not sure the issue number, it's the lastest one that has the hamburger on the front..where is my brain?

For that matter where is my magazine...

Re: Review - Fizzy Chicken with Veggie Melange - bjcotton - 05-11-2007

Mine is right here! If you want, I'll post the recipe tomorrow.