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What do you do with edamame? - Printable Version

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What do you do with edamame? - Mare749 - 04-18-2007

I bought a bag of these at Trader Joe's. Does anyone have any good ideas for what to do with them? Do you have to take them out of the pod after cooking?


You steam or boil them - lxxf - 04-18-2007

and take them out of pods and eat the seeds. Pass the salt shaker. Yum. A very healthy snack, or hors d'ouvre. (I hope I spelled that right)

What do you do with edamame? - cjs - 04-18-2007

I had a bride one time that I was catering for who wanted a great big (I mean BIG) bowl of edamame - seems like we steamed them??? Does that make sense? that's the only time I've ever done anything with them - but we (me & my everlovin' helpers) darn near ate so many we didn't have enuf for the buffet. They're good!!

Re: What do you do with edamame? - Harborwitch - 04-18-2007

I love the darn things - but with estrogen receptive breast cancer there's no way I'll eat them with wild abandon anymore. I just loved them steamed with a little salt to dip them in. Now if there are a few in a dish I'll eat them but otherwise, like most soy products, I'm avoiding them.

Now I'll stick to fava beans.

Re: What do you do with edamame? - bjcotton - 04-18-2007

Are you talking about Mao Dou Maryanne? They're just soybeans by another name Edamamé.

Re: What do you do with edamame? - Half_Baked - 04-18-2007

We just steam them with tons of salt also. We all love to eat them as a snack.

Re: What do you do with edamame? - farnfam - 04-18-2007

Where do you get the stuff?

Re: What do you do with edamame? - Half_Baked - 04-18-2007

I've bought them fresh and frozen at the grocery stores near me. We can get bags of frozen edamame all year round.

Re: What do you do with edamame? - Mare749 - 04-18-2007

Well, they sure are tasty! I ended up boiling them like the package said. Then I had the boring job of getting them out of the pod. Then I just tossed them with a little olive oil, garlic, s&p, and let them cool a bit. Yum!

Sharon, I didn't know that about soy! I seem to remember hearing something about using moderation because of my hypothyroid, but for the life of me can't remember what that was all about. Guess I should look into that.


Re: What do you do with edamame? - Harborwitch - 04-19-2007

Soy contains phytoestrogens - and may cause a lot more problems than they knew. We seem to have an attitude in this country that if a little is good a whole lot will be a whole lot better. It appears that's not the case. I have read about thyroid issues with soy - but can't remember - exactly.

When we packed up the pantry I threw out a lot of stuff I got when I was doing Atkins - loaded with soy. My Oncologist said occasional soy in small amounts is fine - but no supplements, no feasting on soy and tofu based products!