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Parmesan Cheese Black Pepper Biscotti - Printable Version

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Parmesan Cheese Black Pepper Biscotti - Lorraine - 07-20-2011

We've been trying different savoury biscotti recipes, hopeing to use them as appetizers. This one was a winner. I didn't have enough good parmesan, so used 1/2 green box/half good (yup I did, don't shoot me!). I used s coarse ground restaurant style pepper that we buy in bulk. the recipe was very different from most biscotti recipes I have made, in that it called for cold, cubed unsalted butter. The dough was very similar to a biscuit dough. The taste was fabulous, and I think they will make a great addition to a cheese board. If any wants the recipe, I'll try to post it later, busy making jams right now.

Re: Parmesan Cheese Black Pepper Biscotti - farnfam - 07-20-2011

OH me, me!!!!pick me!!!
I would like the recipe, please...and thank you very much

Re: Parmesan Cheese Black Pepper Biscotti - Gourmet_Mom - 07-20-2011

Me too! I have never had any luck with biscotti! Maybe this will be the one!

Re: Parmesan Cheese Black Pepper Biscotti - Mare749 - 07-20-2011

YES! Please and thank you!

Daphne, you probably don't have good luck making biscotti because of the high humidity where you live. It's been a problem for me at times. I had to bake some 3 times once just to get them "crispy" enough. Another time, I just cut them thinner and that helped.

Re: Parmesan Cheese Black Pepper Biscotti - Gourmet_Mom - 07-20-2011

That could be it! Thanks for the advice!

Re: Parmesan Cheese Black Pepper Biscotti - cjs - 07-20-2011

And, also one of my sons' f-i-l always wanted me to leave some baked only once for him. He was truly Italian and that's how his mama gave them to him.

I do have a black pepper biscotti, but I'd sure love to see your recipe, Lorraine! I haven't made it for the longest time.

Re: Parmesan Cheese Black Pepper Biscotti - farnfam - 07-22-2011

Is this recipe going to be posted??? I hope I don't miss it while we're camping

Re: Parmesan Cheese Black Pepper Biscotti - cjs - 07-22-2011

At the pace Lorraine comes on I think you'll be fine Cis - but I will write myself a note...then hope it doesn't get buried.

Have fun - enjoy all the fish! (my eyes are so darn green)

Re: Parmesan Cheese Black Pepper Biscotti - Mare749 - 07-22-2011

Don't worry, I'll be copying it too, so can send it to you. Have a great camping trip!

Re: Parmesan Cheese Black Pepper Biscotti - Lorraine - 07-29-2011

A bit late, but here it is:

1.5 T whole black peppercorns
4 C all purpose flour
2 T baking powder
2 t salt
2.25 C finely grated parmesan cheese (4.5 ounces)
– putting 1/4 C aside
1.5 sticks cold unsalted butter cut into 1/2 inch cubes
4 large eggs (3 for biscotti, 1 for glazing)
1 C whole milk

Preheat oven to 350. Pulse peppercorns in grinder until coarsely ground. Put aside 1/2 T aside to sprinkle on biscotti logs for baking. Whisk together flour, baking powder, salt, 2 C cheese and 1 T pepper into kitchen aid bowl. Using the paddle, add the chilled butter, and mix until mixture resembles coarse meal. Whisk 3 eggs with milk and add. Mix only until dough comes together. Divide dough, and roll into 15 inch logs on a lightly floured surface. Place 4 logs on parchment lined baking sheet. Whisk remaining egg and brush some over logs, sprinkle the logs with the remaining 1/4 C cheese and 1/2 T pepper. Bake, rotating cookies for about 30 minutes until golden and firm. Cool about 10 minutes and cut diagonally into 1/2 inch slice. Reduce oven to 300. Bake the slices, turning over once, until golden and crisp. 25 to 30 more minutes.