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Cubano Grilled Chicken with Mustard Sauce - Review - Printable Version

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Cubano Grilled Chicken with Mustard Sauce - Review - Gourmet_Mom - 07-01-2010

This is one of my dinners for the cookbook challenge from the latest Grilling Book. I had this one picked for next week, but I've bumped it up for Ashley's dinner tonight. (Everything else needed overnight marinade or had shrimp in it.) It's served with grilled mangoes and peppers.

Has anyone had it? Tips or recommendations? I'll review it tonight or tomorrow.

Re: Cubano Grilled Chicken with Mustard Sauce - cjs - 07-01-2010

Daphne, the method is very much like the Cubano-style burgers from May. In fact the method of grilling and the mayo/mustard/pickle relish is the same. We loved this combination.

Re: Cubano Grilled Chicken with Mustard Sauce - Gourmet_Mom - 07-01-2010

Jean, could you change the title of this thread to include REVIEW?

Oh, my...this was sooo good! The flavors were great together! Ashley was thrilled with it and requested the recipe to make it at home.


-I'm still splitting these giant chicken breasts instead of pounding them.
-Put the veggies on with the chicken. I think they need the extra time, although, my mango was not NEARLY as ripe as it needed to be....judge accordingly...depends on your grill. I'd rather wait on the chicken than wait on the veggies.
-Make sure you have plenty of the mustard sauce. I think it would be enough, but it sure was yummy and would be good on other stuff if you have extra.
-If you like the dill pickle flavor, Ashley is planning on putting a dill slice or two with the cheese between the folded ham slice.
-I did thin ham slices, but I think a little thicker slice would have be good.

I'd give this one a 9+ and a 10 with the changes. It is one that you could prep easily early in the day or day before...the chicken would be fine to marinade all day...and then throw everything on the grill and have dinner done, (with no dishes, I might add) in about 20 minutes.

Re: Cubano Grilled Chicken with Mustard Sauce - esgunn - 07-01-2010

Wow. Thanks for the review Daphne. I will have to look this one up again!

Cubano Grilled Chicken with Mustard Sauce - Review - cjs - 07-02-2010

Just remembered both times I've made the sauce I divided it up and put dill relish in half and my swt. pickle relish in the other. I've been keeping some in the frig. for just any sandwiches, love it!

Re: Cubano Grilled Chicken with Mustard Sauce - Review - Trixxee - 03-17-2014

Think I'm finally going to make this this week.